The 2 FF Repeats and their Mutations

S.NOUniprot IDProtein Name Sequence LengthFF RegionMutationInvolvement of Repeats in Mutations
1 O14776 Transcription elongation regulator 1 1098148 150 148 150 YYY->AAA: Reduces repression of transcription by 35%
when associated with 446-AAA-448
446 448 446 448 YYY->AAA: Loss of interaction with SF1
when associated with 148-AAA-150
545 547 545 547 FFY->AAA: No effect
2 Q9NRY4 Rho GTPase-activating protein 35 14991221 1221 S->A: No effect on total phosphorylation levels
when associated with A-1226
when associated with A-1126 and A-1236
1221 1221 S->D: Enhances Rac GAP activity
1226 1226 T->A: No effect on total phosphorylation levels
when associated with A-1221
when associated with A-1121 and A-1236
1226 1226 T->D: Enhances Rac GAP activity
1236 1236 S->A: No effect on total phosphorylation levels
when associated with A-1121 and A-1226