The 2 ZU5 Repeats and their Mutations

S.NOUniprot IDProtein Name Sequence LengthZU5 RegionMutationInvolvement of Repeats in Mutations
1 P16157 Ankyrin-1 18811824 1824 T->P: Abolishes interaction with OBSCN (in isoform Mu17)
1826 1826 K->E: Abolishes interaction with OBSCN (in isoform Mu17)
1829 1829 R->G: Abolishes interaction with OBSCN (in isoform Mu17)
1830 1830 K->E: Abolishes interaction with OBSCN (in isoform Mu17)
2 Q01484 Ankyrin-2 3957975 977 975 977 DAR->AAA: Prevents binding to SPTBN1
1000 1000 A->P: Prevents binding to SPTBN1
1100 1103 1100 1103 ENGD->AAGA: Weak binding to SPTBN1